Saturday, August 31, 2019


Kleenex claims â€Å"when we eat from the Industrial food system, we are eating 011 and spewing greenhouse gases. † Explain what he means by this. What is the alternative? It takes ten calories of fossil energy to produce a single calorie of modern supermarket food, and when we try to address one problem, the other gets worse which is why starvation is on the rise on the rise that the United States now uses a huge chunk of its topsoil to grow gasoline, and not food.We need to produce lots of food on relatively small farms with little or nothing in the way of synthetic fertilizer or chemicals. 2. How did Britain increase food production during World War II by 91%? Why is this story included in the chapter? What evidence does he present that such a change could happen in American suburbs? Pig clubs and Small gardens or allotments sprung up throughout the country to support themselves. To show that our farmers need better time and space management to Improve their growth rate and spending.Small farms are capable of getting far more productive with each passing season, because they can take advantage of en information, new science, new technologies. 3. Compare modern mechanized monoculture to smaller scale polluter. Explain why polluter will be more sustainable as the climate continues to change. Monoculture is mainly used in industrialized agriculture with many inputs of fossil fuels and chemicals to produce large amounts of a single crop.Polluter is often locally based, and may be found in a subsistence agriculture reactive that uses human and animal energy to produce smaller amounts of many different crops. Polluter and working with nature can provide many and more sustainable solutions to our current challenges, and that In diversifying the food economy we will be much more resilient to future shocks. In doing so we can also reduce our collective agricultural carbon footprint. 4. Imagine yourself Ralston some of your own food at your own or in your neigh borhood. Besides food, what two benefits might you also get?If you participated in a community garden with your neighbors, what two additional benefits might everyone experience? Beautiful scenery, good exercise from working in the garden, satisfaction of growing your own food. The fellowship and mentoring opportunities to learn from. 5. How would a CASE (Community Supported Energy) system differ from our current system of electricity production and why might it be less vulnerable? CASE is a way of fostering more local control of essential energy supplies. It puts energy decisions back into the communities hands.Our electricity production is a owned electric company, but companies Like TACO are Investor companies. 6. Consider Muckiness's explanation of how Middlebury and Burlington provide their power locally. What local sources of energy would you recommend for Wasted and Houston? Besides creating less pollution, how might your plan increase our sustainability? Solar power is alway s a technique because wind is always available. They could use natural gas burning power plants other than coal power plants because the gas burning produces a lot less pollution.Electricity companies are starting to use the Carbon Catcher. The clean coal (Carbon Catcher) captures the carbon pollution (chemically) and then they store the carbon that they collect. This process is called sequestered. 7. What do the internet and a farmer's market have in common, and why will the internet be important as we continue to deal with climate change? The way that a farmers market is distributed food production or a solar panel is distributed power, but because of the connecting power of the Web. It added up to more than the sum of its parts.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Analysis of “John Donne’s” “The Flea”

Phillip Hassoun English 1102 Dr. Thomason 03/14/12 Analysis: The Flea, By: John Donne Most of John Donne’s work during his time frame was usually seen as being vulgar or too much, usually for the sexual themes he put behind them. But being the witty and clever author John Donne was, it is by no surprise that most people raise their eye brows after reading his poem titled The Flea. In the poem, he makes the unusual connection between a flea and sex between couples. Using a metaphysical conceit, the poem is written using that relationship in mind, which today most people would see as kind of funny or odd.In this unique comparison, he ultimately try’s to persuade his beloved to become fearless of the consequences in pre-marital sex. It is important to understand the use of metaphysical writing, and how it enabled writers like John Donne to write so well about two very seemingly different things. When the term metaphysical is used, it is referring to a very powerful form of philosophy dating back to Aristotle. It is used to explain something usually complex in simple to understand terms, by making a comparison. One does this by asking themselves two questions; what is there?And what’s it like? These two questions lead the person into a higher level thinking proses, which usually end up in a form of descriptive writing like parables and poems to add ever more understanding and emotion to the thought. This is how authors like John Donne can write of comparisons between something simple like a flea, and something as complex as the emotions we feel. However, the poem to most people today would still not make sense. But when considering the knowledge and ethics of the people during his time frame, this poem makes much more sense.When John Donne’s 16th century love poem was written, it was believed that when two people had sex, the partners would share each other’s blood. Also hygiene wasn’t a very big issue, since it wasnâ€℠¢t common knowledge to know that bacteria and viruses could make you sick or more obviously that people didn’t share blood during sex. Due to lack of hygiene, people during this time all had some sort of human flea that lived on them, which ate their blood. The people from this time frame really didn’t see it as something gross like people would see today.Because everybody had fleas on them, they were all equally as gross to each other in their minds. When John Donne is trying to persuade his beloved into sex with him, this is how he comes up with a metaphysical connection between the two, which is also a perfect example of why people thought he was coarse or dirty in his writing. Keeping this knowledge in mind as you read the poem is crucial in order to understand the poem. In the first stanza he begins to set up his argument with the girl he is addressing.Using the metaphysical conceit he makes between a flea and sex he writes to his beloved, explaining why he thinks she should have no reason to be worried about having sex with him. â€Å"Mark but this flea, and mark in this, How little you denist me is;† He says to open the poem. Look at how small this flea is, that’s how small the fact of why you won’t have sex with me is, to reword what he is saying. Describing how little the issue is as he goes on in the first stanza. He says that the flea can suck his blood, and then jump to the girls and suck her blood, and share all three of the souls in one body.Then says that by doing so, the flea is not causing â€Å"A sin, nor shame, not loss of maidenhead;† (1: pg. 571) talking about her virginity. He describes the nature of the flea to enjoy the mixing of blood from humans before it is in love, or without care at all since it is a flea. He finishes the argument at the end of the stanza by saying to his beloved that the flea, is doing far worse than what only they would be doing. He continues in the second stanza by tryin g to protect the flea’s life from the girl.It is understood from the reading that his beloved has become obviously upset with what he said, and so she attempts to kill the flea in spite of him. To prevent her from doing so, he starts to explain to her that the flea is carrying three souls inside it, him, her, and the flea. And reiterates how the flea is doing far more than them even if they are to be married, since it shares all three souls. He says that since there blood is mixed with inside the flea, to look at the flea as their â€Å"marriage temple† and their custom right to properly have sex, since their blood is already mixed.And furthermore says that although your parents urge you to not get married to me, we already have inside the living soul of the flea. He then in the last parts of the second stanza states his second argument for why they should have pre-marital sex. â€Å"Though use make you apt to kill me,† (1: pg. 172) hysterically saying that she wouldn’t mind killing him. He argues that although she wants to kill the flea, doing so would mean killing herself, himself, and the flea.An odd way of explaining that there mutual love would die, and the fleas love for both would also die, which would be sacrilegious by killing all three souls. As he continues to make this unconvincing argument to his beloved, she kills the flea at the beginning of the third stanza, probably from his almost mockingly sounding poem about a big step in their relationship. However it is at that point when he turns the argument on her completely. â€Å"Cruel and sudden,† he describes her actions as she kills the flea. Saying that the flea was only innocent, and only was guilty for was stealing two drops of blood.By killing the flea that shared the couple’s blood, he asks her if she feels as if their relationship is weaker. Obviously not feeling like their relationship had grown apart, he then completely switches the argument on her , after destroying their â€Å"wedding temple,† By saying that he taught her a lesson of fear. He explains further in the end of the last stanza that the honor she lost in killing that flea, would be just as much honor lost if she were to engage in intercourse with him, since she obviously did not care about the death of the flea.He reiterates in his last statements that he is doing the exact same thing as the flea that took life from her. This concludes his not so romantic poem, but very interesting explanation of their situation. John’s poem is written in a clever way, unlike most of the poems people would read from Shakespeare’s century. He makes a good metaphysical connection between the flea and sex, and almost sounds like he denies the fact that he is really just trying hook up with her. If any girl was to be read this poem as a pickup line, and understand it, then they would probably be offended.This is why the poem cannot be read far too seriously when h e explains that the important subject of losing your virginity can be compared to the instinct of a flea, and dooms the poem to have you chuckling while you read it. However, when he ties everything up in the final stanza it turns into an eye opening poem. This was a very ingenious way to explain the feelings of the man in a relationship. The one who is trying to get the girl in the bed, but she fears all of the consequences.The connection he made between something as small and irrelevant as a flea being described into a deep elaborate though about love, and man’s thoughts just show his great writing skill. Works Cited Page Barnet, Sylvan, William Burto, and William E. Cain. A Little Literature: Reading/writing and Argument. New York: Pearson/Longman, 2007. Print. â€Å"John Donne â€Å"The Flea† and Persuasion† StudyMode. com. 10 2011. 10 2011 . Analysis of â€Å"John Donne’s† â€Å"The Flea† Phillip Hassoun English 1102 Dr. Thomason 03/14/12 Analysis: The Flea, By: John Donne Most of John Donne’s work during his time frame was usually seen as being vulgar or too much, usually for the sexual themes he put behind them. But being the witty and clever author John Donne was, it is by no surprise that most people raise their eye brows after reading his poem titled The Flea. In the poem, he makes the unusual connection between a flea and sex between couples. Using a metaphysical conceit, the poem is written using that relationship in mind, which today most people would see as kind of funny or odd.In this unique comparison, he ultimately try’s to persuade his beloved to become fearless of the consequences in pre-marital sex. It is important to understand the use of metaphysical writing, and how it enabled writers like John Donne to write so well about two very seemingly different things. When the term metaphysical is used, it is referring to a very powerful form of philosophy dating back to Aristotle. It is used to explain something usually complex in simple to understand terms, by making a comparison. One does this by asking themselves two questions; what is there?And what’s it like? These two questions lead the person into a higher level thinking proses, which usually end up in a form of descriptive writing like parables and poems to add ever more understanding and emotion to the thought. This is how authors like John Donne can write of comparisons between something simple like a flea, and something as complex as the emotions we feel. However, the poem to most people today would still not make sense. But when considering the knowledge and ethics of the people during his time frame, this poem makes much more sense.When John Donne’s 16th century love poem was written, it was believed that when two people had sex, the partners would share each other’s blood. Also hygiene wasn’t a very big issue, since it wasnâ€℠¢t common knowledge to know that bacteria and viruses could make you sick or more obviously that people didn’t share blood during sex. Due to lack of hygiene, people during this time all had some sort of human flea that lived on them, which ate their blood. The people from this time frame really didn’t see it as something gross like people would see today.Because everybody had fleas on them, they were all equally as gross to each other in their minds. When John Donne is trying to persuade his beloved into sex with him, this is how he comes up with a metaphysical connection between the two, which is also a perfect example of why people thought he was coarse or dirty in his writing. Keeping this knowledge in mind as you read the poem is crucial in order to understand the poem. In the first stanza he begins to set up his argument with the girl he is addressing.Using the metaphysical conceit he makes between a flea and sex he writes to his beloved, explaining why he thinks she should have no reason to be worried about having sex with him. â€Å"Mark but this flea, and mark in this, How little you denist me is;† He says to open the poem. Look at how small this flea is, that’s how small the fact of why you won’t have sex with me is, to reword what he is saying. Describing how little the issue is as he goes on in the first stanza. He says that the flea can suck his blood, and then jump to the girls and suck her blood, and share all three of the souls in one body.Then says that by doing so, the flea is not causing â€Å"A sin, nor shame, not loss of maidenhead;† (1: pg. 571) talking about her virginity. He describes the nature of the flea to enjoy the mixing of blood from humans before it is in love, or without care at all since it is a flea. He finishes the argument at the end of the stanza by saying to his beloved that the flea, is doing far worse than what only they would be doing. He continues in the second stanza by tryin g to protect the flea’s life from the girl.It is understood from the reading that his beloved has become obviously upset with what he said, and so she attempts to kill the flea in spite of him. To prevent her from doing so, he starts to explain to her that the flea is carrying three souls inside it, him, her, and the flea. And reiterates how the flea is doing far more than them even if they are to be married, since it shares all three souls. He says that since there blood is mixed with inside the flea, to look at the flea as their â€Å"marriage temple† and their custom right to properly have sex, since their blood is already mixed.And furthermore says that although your parents urge you to not get married to me, we already have inside the living soul of the flea. He then in the last parts of the second stanza states his second argument for why they should have pre-marital sex. â€Å"Though use make you apt to kill me,† (1: pg. 172) hysterically saying that she wouldn’t mind killing him. He argues that although she wants to kill the flea, doing so would mean killing herself, himself, and the flea.An odd way of explaining that there mutual love would die, and the fleas love for both would also die, which would be sacrilegious by killing all three souls. As he continues to make this unconvincing argument to his beloved, she kills the flea at the beginning of the third stanza, probably from his almost mockingly sounding poem about a big step in their relationship. However it is at that point when he turns the argument on her completely. â€Å"Cruel and sudden,† he describes her actions as she kills the flea. Saying that the flea was only innocent, and only was guilty for was stealing two drops of blood.By killing the flea that shared the couple’s blood, he asks her if she feels as if their relationship is weaker. Obviously not feeling like their relationship had grown apart, he then completely switches the argument on her , after destroying their â€Å"wedding temple,† By saying that he taught her a lesson of fear. He explains further in the end of the last stanza that the honor she lost in killing that flea, would be just as much honor lost if she were to engage in intercourse with him, since she obviously did not care about the death of the flea.He reiterates in his last statements that he is doing the exact same thing as the flea that took life from her. This concludes his not so romantic poem, but very interesting explanation of their situation. John’s poem is written in a clever way, unlike most of the poems people would read from Shakespeare’s century. He makes a good metaphysical connection between the flea and sex, and almost sounds like he denies the fact that he is really just trying hook up with her. If any girl was to be read this poem as a pickup line, and understand it, then they would probably be offended.This is why the poem cannot be read far too seriously when h e explains that the important subject of losing your virginity can be compared to the instinct of a flea, and dooms the poem to have you chuckling while you read it. However, when he ties everything up in the final stanza it turns into an eye opening poem. This was a very ingenious way to explain the feelings of the man in a relationship. The one who is trying to get the girl in the bed, but she fears all of the consequences.The connection he made between something as small and irrelevant as a flea being described into a deep elaborate though about love, and man’s thoughts just show his great writing skill. Works Cited Page Barnet, Sylvan, William Burto, and William E. Cain. A Little Literature: Reading/writing and Argument. New York: Pearson/Longman, 2007. Print. â€Å"John Donne â€Å"The Flea† and Persuasion† StudyMode. com. 10 2011. 10 2011 .

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Mythological Tricksters

The trickster deity breaks the rules of the gods or nature, sometimes maliciously like Loki, but usually, albeit unintentionally with ultimately positive effects. Tricksters are characterized as selfish, mischievous, impatient liars who show no remorse. Some tricksters have hidden meanings behind their rudeness that carry good intentions. All cultures have archetypal, male tricksters. In the Greek and African myths, Hermes and Legba are both messengers of god.Hermes, through is intelligence, makes a convincing appeal to Zeus who gives him the duties of â€Å"making of treaties, the promotion of commerce, and the maintenance of free rights of way for travelers on any road in the world† (165). Even though the myth started out with Apollo fiending to kill his cow-thief, Hermes trickery lands him a top position with the top dog Zeus. In the African myth, Legba was God’s donkey boy. He followed the orders of God and neither gained credit nor the respect of the people.When he finally revolted and turned to trickery, God, in his embarrassment, left the world but told Legba â€Å"come to the sky every night to give an account of what went on below,† making him an articulator of the divine (172). In the Indian and Native American myths, both tricksters possess selfish characteristics. The Indian myth, Krishna, tells of the girls of the Nanda village who are so obsessed with their Prince Krsna that they are blind to his trickery. One day the girls were worshipping their goddess Katyayani in the Kalindi (body of water) and their beloved prince robs them of their clothes.Krsna, after the girls devote themselves to him, tells them that â€Å"Since you swam in the water without clothes while you were under a vow, this was an insult to the divinity. Therefore you must fold your hands and place them on your heads and bow low in expiation of your sin, and then you may take your clothes† (168). The girls in their stupor did as he said and the pleased prince gave them their clothes before inviting them to spend their nights with him. Despite the prince’s selfish trickery, the girls obtained their â€Å"gorgeous prince† and the prince marveled in it every night.Similar to Krishna, Old Man Coyote gets to marvel at his young self every night. In the Native American myth, Old Man Coyote finds himself rotting away with age and wishing for a re-do. He comes across a young, strong, buffalo bull, who tells him he can make him young again, but there’s a catch, â€Å"You will look like a young strong buffalo, but you will still be Old Man Coyote inside. Don’t ever forget that† (170). The buffalo then proceeds to change the Old Man and before he knows it, he is a young, spring, buffalo calf all full of life. The Calf- Coyote enjoys the next four years of his life until he met a poor, old ragged coyote.The old coyote begged the Calf-Coyote to be â€Å"young and strong again,† and the Calf-Coyote reme mbering his second chance agrees. In his attempt to recreate what the buffalo did for him, he ends up returning to his former state. The Calf-Coyote, in his young state of mind, forgot that the buffalo did not transfer any of his powers reminding him not to â€Å"start anything unless you know you can finish it† (171). In most trickster myths, it works in their favor; however in this case, Old Man Coyote was not so lucky. Despite Old Man Coyotes good intentions, he failed, unlike Loki, who had bad intentions in the Norse (Icelandic) myth.Loki is known as a â€Å"contriver of fraud† who can shape shift into forms that benefit his terror. In the Norse myth, Loki disguises himself as an old woman and plots the death of Baldr. Just for fun, Loki tricks Baldur's blind twin, Hod, into killing him with a spear made of mistletoe. Loki is known for bringing about chaos, but by challenging the gods he brings about change. Without Loki’s problem-causing influence, the gods would be blind to the problems around them. The tricksters who contribute to the chaos of the mythological world have heroes who try to defeat the trickery in their extraordinary godliness.Some of the characters of the hero myths were born great and some achieved greatness. Unlike the tricksters, heroes prove to their people that they are miraculous without using devious maneuvering. However unlike the heroes, tricksters are not born miraculously with the ability to walk, talk, or slay beasts like in the Bantu Myth, Lituolone. The tricksters and the heroes actions differ greatly, but their outcomes are similar for both have hidden meanings. Trickster tales maybe outrageous in their actions but they provide a crude humor that the hero myths cannot.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Library Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Library Assignment - Essay Example All the same, this was never the key source of error. In the year, 1963 Price proceeded to work making use of several data in abstract compendia for the years 1907 to 1960. The study conducted in the years 1907 and 2007 by use of available statistics from several literature databases, Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) and the Science Citation Index (SCI) have indicated findings relating to the Growth rate of scientific publications. Significantly, the intention of the study was to give information regarding the growth and development of Scientific Publications (Garfield, 27). The study is descriptive in that; it gives descriptive data on which the research was based on and also includes the statistical processes used in the description of the population in the study. The findings from the study assist in organization and data description. The variables involved were the data from the traditional scientific publishing. Traditional scientific publishing; publications in peer-reviewed journals, is still considered to be increasing though there are large variance between some sectors. There exist no signs that the growth rate has decreased within the past 50 years. At the same time, publications making use of channels, for instance, open archives, home pages and conference proceedings are reported to be developing at a higher rate. The growth rate for the SCI was compensating a declining section of the traditional scientific literature (Garfield, 29). There also exist some open signs that the compensation by the SCI is generally minimal in a section of the scientific areas with the largest development rate involving engineering and computer sciences. From the reading, it is obvious that the populace being considered are the humans, and this is with respect to how they rate the scientific publications. The common characteristics of this

Annotated Bibliography of Air Pollution in Beijing

Of Air Pollution in Beijing - Annotated Bibliography Example With this kind of primary data, it was possible to solidly cement the research evidence and thus eloquently state out the findings of the research. With this data, it was possible to tell what the position of the city is from a first-hand point of view. This interview was aimed at establishing hard facts from residents about the observable effects of pollution within the city. The interviewee as born and brought up in the outskirts of Beijing. He has lived his entire life literally in the city having schooled and currently working there. From this interview, it is possible to line out some of the major effects of urbanization and thus pollution in the city. Life has been literally abuzz with changes for the residents and at times observing some things they never thought. These excerpts can be used by the researcher to solidify his arguments by bringing out the cries the victims. Sanderson, H. (February 28, 2013). Beijing Air Pollution Tops Hazardous Levels Days Before  Congress. Retrieved from air-pollution-tops-hazardous-levels-days-before-congress.html This is a report from a top business news website about the levels of pollution in China. The concentration of air pollutants have been compared to various prescribed levels giving the situation on the ground. Comments from various government based agencies like the environment institute have been reported also. The article focuses on a real time position the atmosphere at the city and the effects that it might have. This is mainly because it is a highly rated debate issue as the congress resumes. The current governments’ response to the issue like issuance of real time data has been highlighted. In accordance to this report, the severity of the case, to the government has been highlighted, this assists the researcher in getting the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Context of professional practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Context of professional practice - Essay Example Hence, as a clinician, I usually ensure that I am up to date with advancing improvised legislation subject to all laws and guidelines laid down by my professional body. In UK, certain principles have been enshrined in good medical practices that ensure every health worker must follow regarding patient treatment. Notably, these legal principles bound me to numerous principles of care for my patients. Personally, I consider treating patients as a significant practice; nonetheless, I usually relate all the requirements as suggested by the General Medical Council in the UK. For instance, dignity and total respect for patients are my greatest importance in offering medical services. Clinicians are expected to provide care that meets the individual’s expectations despite that it very difficult when face with the need to make efficient use of the available resources. Therefore, it is upon me to put into consideration the public interests and practice within the specified legal bounda ries. According to the UK specifications, all treatments and care should take into account the individual needs and preferences of the patient. Moreover, patients are entitled to the best possible care irrespective of their age, ethnicity, sexuality, religious beliefs, color or politics. Thus, as medical practitioner it is my responsibility to provide total support for the patient regardless of their age, ethnicity, sexuality, religious beliefs, color or politics. On the other hand, as part of offering the best to our patients, there should be efforts in maintaining a good standard of clinical practice. Notably, medicine is changing rapidly. For this reason, we cannot maintain the good standards of clinical practice unless we keep our knowledge and skills updated. This has been made a fundamental requirement and is no longer an extra. In ensuring the best clinical practice, we must have an individual development plan. Therefore, we should allocate sufficient time to offer medical se rvices to patients in a strategized manner. Good clinical practice entails being conscientious and ensuring that enough time is devoted to providing safe and effective support and care (Hendrick et al., 2013; Pg. 25). Therefore, as an individual within the practice, I usually read medical book regarding my practice and all the entailed requirements. Confidentiality is also a vital element in offering medical services to patients both in the hospital and at home. This element is protected in the Hippocratic Oath. The legislation that governs the process of private information is contained in the data protection act. The act requires medical practitioners to respect and keep in secret all personal information regarding the patient. Moreover, the act requires that information concerning the patient’s sickness should only be disclosed upon the patient’s permission. All clinicians are subject to the confidentiality legislation. Notably, breach of confidentiality may have st rict consequences for the clinician/patient relationship as well as the clinician’s reputation. However, in some occasions, one’s obligations to the people’s safety and public good override the confidentiality duty to the patient. Nonetheless, as a clinician I may be forced to disclose patient’s information in case of a serious crime; however, I am obligated to keep such information confidential. Other occasions where the confidentiali

Monday, August 26, 2019

Elon Musk an entrepreneur of the 21th century Essay

Elon Musk an entrepreneur of the 21th century - Essay Example Joseph Schumpeter associated entrepreneurship with the creation of five ‘new combinations’. These new combination were new product introduction, introduction of a new production method, to capture new supply source and to organize the industry in a novel manner. The four factors of production are labour, land, capital and organisation. The other factors are coordinated by the factor organisation. Entrepreneurship is the driving force behind the organisation. Entrepreneurs should have thorough knowledge of the industry and should be natural leaders. They should have foresight and risk taking ability (Robertson, n.d.). The entrepreneur of the 21st century will achieve success through his reach of the global markets. The entrepreneur of this century does not only bring about innovation in the market but also explores new methods of surviving in the dynamic market. An entrepreneur often has to face several obstacles in his approach towards innovation. The investors in his business may not be able to understand his vision. They may not be in favour of the innovation and may not be willing to take the risk. The 21st century is facing rapid changes in technology and entrepreneurs are taking the benefit of these changes to increase productivity. They are using their resources in innovative ways to increase their profitability. The entrepreneurs of today are all set to compete on a global scale through their mergers and acquisitions. The entrepreneurs of this century are poised to take the global challenges in their stride (Robertson, n.d.). All people do not become entrepreneurs. The main characteristic that makes a person a successful entrepreneur is innovative mindset and leadership skills. He should not be risk averse. He should be able to organise and coordinate. He should be alert to identify the opportunities in the market. They should be ‘gap fillers’ which means that they should be able to identify which products the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Druk Green Power Corporation LTD Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Druk Green Power Corporation LTD - Essay Example The essay "Druk Green Power Corporation LTD" presents the overview of the management of the Druk Green Power Corporation Ltd and how the expectancy theory can be applied to it. the expectancy theory is one of the contemporary theories win management which describes motivation in relation to valence, expectancy, and instrumentation. The effort in work activities is described within the expectancy theory as the input of a worker. The motivator of human effort is the perceptions of the performance which emanates from this effort. Gupta and Boyd reflect that the contemporary theories of management postulate that effective managers must motivate their diverse workforce so that their productivity is enhanced. In accordance to Bell and Martin, the product of expectancy, valence, and instrumentality is motivation. This argument further reveals the components of motivation which needs to be present for a company to achieve its goals effectively and efficiently. Within Druk Green Power Corporation Ltd, there are various departments which are charged with different functions which are all aimed at addressing the common vision of the company. Without the functions and roles of the employees within these departments, it is not possible that this would be achieved. The development of the company and its growth in productivity depends on the level into which the human resource within the company is motivated. Gupta and Boyd reveal that instrumentality within the expectancy theory represents the belief of the users of various tools.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Managing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Managing - Assignment Example Jacques Derrida similarly presents his lingual dilemma in an influential phrase. H says that although he uses a particular language, he does not own the very language. Jacques is interested in language as a mark of identity and view the two spheres as inseparable. These quotes provides a philosophical onset which an organization can use in fine-tuning their management. Wittgenstein’s view and Derrida’s views are irreconcilable because of notable reasons. Wittgenstein argues that individuals still confront the same philosophical problems because language does not change to reflect new realities. Although the philosopher’s arguments are abstract, he believes that language should adapt to transforming social contexts rather than inform the social contexts. Language arises to express the meaning already embedded in the social contexts. He explains that words have a role beyond representing objects (Wittgenstein 1973, p. 43). This higher role pertains to meaning, which is the most essential part of philosophical discussions. Wittgenstein aspires to give language a liberating from the traditional perceptions that binds its growth. In addition, he emphasizes on the role of contexts in bringing out different meanings of the same word. The philosopher, therefore, pays attention to the contexts from which language grow. In this sense, l anguage may not have any distinct formula as espoused by Western traditional standards. In the contemporary context, Wittgenstein explains the meaning of a word as referring to the sense in which individuals hold the meaning as true. This explains why the philosopher highlights logic as only concerned with the conforming meaning of a sign. The meaning that comes forth emanate from the given rules that guide the usage of the sign (Muhr, Sorensen & Vallentin 2010, p. 82). This refers to the common term of grammatical sense. By describing the use pf

Friday, August 23, 2019

TIMED TEXTUAL ANALYSIS-- Film <Seven> the first five minutes in the Assignment

TIMED TEXTUAL ANALYSIS-- Film the first five minutes in the beginning - Assignment Example This quiet, sombre setting implies that this man is lonely and unhappy. When the camera moves quickly to a shot of this mans reflection in a mirror as he fixes his tie, this sense of loneliness is echoed again and we also get an idea of other aspects of his personality and life, namely, that he is a professional and that he is extremely orderly. He appears to be very well groomed and is adjusting his tie with detailed precision. It appears as though he is a professional and has an important job. Props are used strategically, as the camera quickly cuts to a stand where a line of objects is lain in a neat row. The neatness and organisation of these objects and of his bedroom has meaning, as they suggest this character is extremely tidy, efficient and orderly, and implies it may be reflected in his personality in other ways. The items includes a pen, professional badge and a knife, which suggests he works in law enforcement. We then see him go to his bed, which is made up perfectly, not unlike a hotel, very meticulous. The way in which so much information is given away here despite the character have no interaction with others and doing mundane activities, is an effective way to highlight the loneliness and sense of order and presentation the character possesses. Costume is also used to convey meaning. When we first see the protagonist, he is wearing a white shirt, a symbol that he is a good man. His suit also suggests that he is an important person in the society. The next scene is cut to extremely quickly and we are met with a very disturbing image which contrasts starkly with what we have previously seen. The quickness of the transition allows no time for the viewer to adjust and it seems a slight shock factor is used in the suddenness of this. The scene is of a dead, overweight man lying in a pool of blood. The scene is dark, dimly lit and appears quite grisly, suggesting malice. The dead body indicates that we are

Thursday, August 22, 2019

A letter from an exchange student in Australia Essay Example for Free

A letter from an exchange student in Australia Essay I’ve been in Australia for about 2 months now and I’m still speechless. It’s such a beautiful country! The land, the people, the climate, everything is amazing! I’ve gotten to experience the most remarkable/wonderful things, things I never could have imagined. As you know I went here as an exchange student and I’m living with a wonderful host family in Brisbane. They have been very welcoming and loving, the student exchange agency made such a good match. Brisbane is located in the east of Australia, in the state called Queensland. I’m attending the Brisbane State High School where I’m taking all the mandatory classes like English, math’s, science, social studies, art, health and physical education and so on. I’ve gotten to continue my French education as well, but everyone in that class is way better than me! Luckily they are all so nice and very patient with me, and that goes for all the classes! I had a hard time understanding the Australian accent at first, but it gets easier and easier every day. My host family taught me some Aussie-slang to help me out a bit, like â€Å"hoo roo† which means goodbye, â€Å"ripper† means something like fantastic or great, â€Å"sheila† is a girl and â€Å"dunny† is a toilet. A word that’s very confusing is â€Å"thongs†. It does not mean what you think it means! It’s another word for flip-flops, which can create quite an awkward situation. Fortunately I managed not to humiliate myself! Anyway, like I said are there mandatory classes just like there is in Sweden. Australia has a national curriculum to make sure that they have the same educational standards in schools all over the country, which resembles our â€Å"Skolverket†. You asked a lot about the schools over here in your last letter, so I’ve asked my new friends in my classes and found out some basic info. Like, something that’s similar to Swedish schools is that you’re in kindergarten or pre-school when you’re 3-5 years old. In Australia you go to Primary School between the ages 6 to 11, unlike Sweden where we go to â€Å"Là ¥gstadiet† and â€Å"Mellanstadiet† when we’re 6 to 12. One year doesn’t make that big of a difference, but Secondary School (High School) resembles both â€Å"Hà ¶gstadiet† and â€Å"Gymnasiet† together. So from what I understand, you can’t choose a specific program like in Sweden, but you can choose some classes you want to take (other than the mandatory ones) in High School. When you graduate from Secondary School you can apply for a University, just like in Sweden. As you can tell there are a lot of similarities to  Australian and Swedish schools, but I found out that there are many differences as well. School uniforms for example, we don’t have any rules about dress code in Sweden, but over here it’s a part of life, at least for the students who attend High School. Almost every school has a special uniform that every student has to wear, even I have to wear one when I go to school. Even in gym class we wear matching shorts and shirts. I think those outfits are better because they’re unisex, and the rest of the day the girls wear skirts while the boys wear pants. I’m not very comfortable in skirts and dresses so I think that if you want to wear pants you should be able to! It’s kind of nice not having to choose an outfit every morning, you only have one thing to wear and everybody else wears it too. There’s not any pressure about having the latest fashion or not changing it up every day. The only thing you have to worry about is bad hair-days! I have to admit that I wish we had to wear these in Sweden as well†¦ Not only are they a gift from heaven for the morning-tired person, they make you feel a bit more fancy and formal too. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that comfortable being formal all the time and I’d probably get sick of wearing it every day, but I like the idea a lot at the moment. I never think it would work, introducing this to Sweden though. Everyone would lose their right to express themselves through their clothes. If we would have to wear school uniforms, I strongly vote for pants for the girls! Most students bring their own lunch to school. There is a cafeteria, but you have to pay for everything there. That is something I miss about Sweden, even though it’s not great food all of the time it’s still really convenient. I’m having a hard time remembering to bring my lunch every day†¦ That makes me really angry with myself because both of my host parents make really good food, especially sandwiches. I promise you, they’re amazing! Public schools here are free and run by the government of state or territory they’re in, just like in Sweden. Parents are asked pay a voluntary contribution fee and they can also contribute to camping trips and extracurricular activities, but it’s all voluntary. Something that also differs from Sweden is the fact that they have 4 semesters. The school year starts in early February and ends in December. They have short holidays between every semester and their summer holiday is in December and January, during Christmas! I know it’s really strange, but that’s when the Australian summer is! I had no idea that the seasons were so  off over here, but I think it’s really amazing how the world works. Apparently all countries south of the equator have their summer during our winter, and their winter during our summer! A few weeks ago I got to be a part of the Australians celebration of ANZAC Day. ANZAC stands for the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. This day is special to Australians because of what happened on this date 1915. The First World War had just started and Australia wanted to create a reputation for themselves to the rest of the world, since they’d only been a nation for 13 years. They joined forces with New Zealand and set out to take control over the Dardanelles (a narrow strait in northwestern Turkey) so that their allies could travel through. When ANZAC landed on Gallipoli in Turkey they were met by Turkish defending forces. A lot of Australian soldiers lost their lives and today the Australians take this day to remember not only them and their bravery, but every soldier who has died in any war or military operation Australia’s been a part of. Each year the remembrance begins with memorial services in big cities all over the country, they’re known as the â€Å"Dawn Services†. Later in the day there are parades where ex-militaries march along. Aussies also celebrate this day off from work and school with drinking and games! They also have the Australia Day, their National Day. I’m not going to be here for that because it’s celebrated on January 26th, but I really wish I were! They celebrate everything that’s good about the country and being Australian, it sounds like a lot of fun! My host family tells me that you can see the Australian flag hanging from windows of cars and houses and that the whole neighborhood smells like barbeque. There are usually fireworks and music as well! It’s more upbeat than the ANZAC Day. We don’t have anything like this in Sweden, which I think is a bit sad. What I mean is, we don’t really have a day where we remember something or celebrate just being Swedish. I feel like we don’t have that kind of love for our country that the Australians do. At least I know I don’t. I only enjoy our National Day because I don’t have to go to school. I honestly don’t even know why we celebrate it, and if I asked my friends I’m sure they would say the same thing. It would be nice to feel that unity and pride that the Australians have. We’ve been in wars, I’m not sure how many or what kind, but we don’t take pride in them. We don’t have any war heroes we remember. During World War 1, Sweden was neutral. We didn’t officially pick a side; we did  everything we could to not get attacked by anyone. We let Germany use our railways to transport iron-stone, which kept us from getting involved in the war (even though that made us a part of Germany’s success). I think we’re right not to take any pride in that†¦ Something that also would be fun to experience here â€Å"Down Under† is Christmas. Since their summer is during December the climate is at its warmest during Christmas. My friends told me that even though it’s sunny and warm everyone still decorates with snowmen and Christmas lights! Most families have a Christmas tree too. Here in Brisbane they apparently have a competition every year for who has the best Christmas lights. I would love to see all of the extremely decorated houses! We should do something like that at home, we should engage more! In some ways our counties spend Christmas alike, but some prospects are still very different. In Sweden, we open presents, eat delicious food and get a visit from Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. In Australia they only make the last preparations on Christmas Eve, because it’s all about Christmas Day. Children hope to find presents in stockings or under the tree when they wake up, families go to see their relatives and everyone (most people anyway) spend the evening with their loved ones. Some families eat dinner that’s similar to Europe’s Christmas food, but most Australians barbeque or have a picnic on the beach or in the park. On the beach you can see surfing Santa Clauses too. It sounds really laid back and comfortable, so I would love to be able to experience it (even though it’s no real Christmas without snow!). It’s hard to think of Swedish traditions when you don’t usually acknowledge them, but most traditions come with the holidays. Almost all of our holidays have religious significance, like Easter and Christmas for example, but these holidays are not really about what they originally mark in history (if you’re Christian). Easter is more about dressing up as a witch and knocking on doors collecting candy, than remembering Jesus’s crucifixion. Christmas is all about Donald Duck and opening presents, we don’t celebrate Jesus being born. This is the case in Australia too, except for the witches and Donald Duck. In Australia they celebrate Easter by organizing Easter egg hunts (mostly for the purpose of making the children happy), and you’ve probably heard of the ‘Easter Bunny’? Well, over here they’ve exchanged it for an ‘Easter Bibly’. A bibly is a small rodent, who’s an endangered species and they’re hoping this kind of advertisement is going to help save  it. Besides, rabbits are considered pests in Australia as they destroy crops and other things. As you can tell there are a lot of both similarities and differences between Sweden and Australia, but they are both great counties! Unfortunately I only have a month left of my studies, but I am thinking about living here for a year or so when I graduate. I have fallen in love with this land†¦ Enough about me, how have you been? Is everything as usual back home? Hope to see you soon, Love Emelie Sources of information: Aussie slang: 2013-04-14 2013-04-14 About school: 2013-04-14 2013-04-14 2013-04-16 2013-04-16 2013-04-17 2013-04-17 2013-04-16 Traditions: 2013-04-21 2013-04-21 2013-04-21 2013-04-22 2013-04-22

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Learning Team Reflection Essay Example for Free

Learning Team Reflection Essay This past week, our team has been going over and reflecting on four main objectives. These main objectives are differentiating between accrual basis and cash basis accounting, the process of creating adjusting entries, and adjusted trial balances. We will also collectively discuss our opinions of what would be the most important skills learned in an accounting position. In accordance to week three’s objectives, I would have to say that everything that we have gone over is essential to our success in future accounting positions, however, we feel that the most important skill is to be able to accurately record the inflow (revenue earned) and the outflow (expenses: utilities, etc. ) of monies. Accural vs. Cash Basis Accounting According to the readings, accrual basis accounting is defined as in which companies record, in the periods in which the events occur, transactions that change a companys financial statements, even if cash was not exchanged. In other words, it means that recorded or un-recorded, all transactions are taken and projected into the overall balance. Cash Basis Accounting basis in which a company records revenue only when it receives cash, and an expense only when it pays out cash. This means that this means of accounting, only takes accountability of the physical cash that is at a physical location. The differences, Accural is all transactions whether recorded, unrecorded, or projected. Cash is the physical monies on hand at a physical location and does not record earnings until payments are actually made. Create adjusting entries This week we have been given a lot of practice on how to create adjusting entries to financial documents and internal financial â€Å"memos† (such as balance sheets). There are five types of adjusting entries: Accrued revenues – making adjustments to a service that has been performed but not billed. 1. Accrued expenses – expenses such as wages paid to an employee. 2. Unearned revenues – payments for goods or services to be delivered at a future date. 3. Prepaid Expenses – assets that are prepaid and gets used up during the accounting period. 4. Depreciation – process of allocating the cost of an asset. When adjusting entries are created, they are created in real time. These entries are important so that the net profit or loss and the financial position can be established. Prepare an adjusted trial balance. Again, we have practiced a lot this week in being able to successfully and accurately adjust entries in many different financial documents and of course, adjusting entries in trial balances have been some of those documents that we have worked on. In order to be a successful accountant, being to be able to successfully adjust entries in a trial balance sheet could be the very life factor in holding in accountant position. If we are unable to accurately record a trial balance the likelihood of us being able to hold our position as accountants is slim to none.

International Business Cultural Diversity Management Essay

International Business Cultural Diversity Management Essay You are required to assist the work of TATA Ltd. One of the worlds most dynamic and trusted business conglomerates,  Tata  has more than a century of experience in the UK and a growing presence in several business sectors. The company wants to improve its efficiency throughout its divisions and believes that using cultural diversity factors may be the key. 3). Cultural Differences are held responsible for many failures in mergers and acquisitions (MA). Critically discuss which business aspects are likely to be affected. Managing and working with multicultural teams requires an understanding of cultural diversity to create an effective team. Critically discuss the issues This essay will discuss about Tata, their MA, the impacts of cultural differences and the different aspects they have to consider to build an international team. Usually used under the name of MA (Mergers Acquisitions), this term refers to a consolidation of companies. Merger is a strategic alliance whose the aim is to create a new entity. An acquisition is the fact to acquire a new company by purchasing it. Tata wants to improve its efficiency throughout its divisions and believes that using cultural diversity factors may be the key. Tata is an Indian group founded in 1868 by the Indian entrepreneur Jamsetji Tata and currently run by the Irish businessman Cyrus Pallonji Mistry. Nowadays, Tata is a powerful international group operating in more than 80 countries by a diversification strategy (thanks to the MA). The groups activity is divided into numerous sectors, for instance: technology, cars, services, electricity, consumer products, beverages, steel, materials and chemicals. Indeed, this international group has acquired since about ten years numerous companies which have cost altogether several milliards of dollars. These are the main takeovers: Tetley Group (UK) in 2000: tea Regent Hotel (Indian) in 2002: hotels Hughes Telecom (Indian) in 2002: telecom Daewoo Commercial Vehicle Company (Korean) in 2004: cars NatSteel Asia (Singaporean) in 2005: steel Brunner Mond (UK) in 2005: chemicals Eight O Clock Coffee Company (USA) in 2006: coffee Jaguar and Land Rover (UK) in 2008: cars Source: Tata Group 2012 Tata wants to improve its performance thanks to MA but to reach that goal; it has to consider that cultural differences affect numerous business aspects in this kind of strategic alliance. For Adler and Gundersen (2008), cultural differences may have positives and negatives effects on a multicultural teams performance. Indeed, the cross-cultural differences are linked to performance. The cultural differences are one of the most important features to take into account to succeed in a M&A; maybe the most important. The culture is complex; it is a shared system of attitudes, beliefs and behaviour. Nowadays, the business is globalized and international; we can almost talk about a business culture run by the globalization (Hopper, 2007). Indeed, the world is not becoming smaller but people and their culture are moving closer. Tata has to understand that ignore the cultural differences would be a terrible mistake: the MA would not work or would not be as effective as expected. Tata should not make the same mistakes than the Merger between Chrysler (American) and Daimler-Benz (German) in 1998. It is a well-known example of how cultural differences can be held responsible for a failure in a MA. According to Vlasic and Stertz (2001), the main cause of this failure was the cultural differences. Indeed, Chrysler and Daimler had the same objectives but the cross-cultural gap between both was too deep and not enough considered to succeed (Schneider, 1997). Strategically, the merger was a good deal for both. However little by little, the cultural differences have led the merger to failure. This strategic alliance finished by an important economical (more than half a billion dollars) and social cost (redundancy). This example is the perfect proof than cultural differences badly assimilated can bring a MA to poor productivity and sometimes failure. Many mergers and acquisitions fail. Indeed, the average rate of failure is between 40-80%. According to Trompenaars and Asser (2010), it varies between 20% and 33%. Stahl and Voigt (2008) say that this rate of failure is relatively high and the impact of cultural differences remain most of the time, badly assimilated. Shareholders have tendency to underestimate the cultural factors in mergers and acquisitions. For Ferraro (2002), one of the biggest mistakes is to think that if a person is successful in his job, he will necessarily succeed in an environment culturally different. According to Harris and Moran (2000), culture acts on communication, strategies, relations, organizations and structures. Indeed, the cultural differences affect numerous business aspects such as organisation, financial performance, negotiation, communication, ways of getting work done, the human relationships, the time, the environment and the management. Insufficient awareness of cultural differences may provoke damages. (Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner 1997, p. 10). In fact, cultural differences badly mastered can lead to: misunderstandings, incorrect exchange of information, ruined negotiations, loss of sales, poor labour relations, a loss of talented employees, limited co-operation, hostility and rivalry. (To change: Sian Taylors lesson). Joynt and Morton (1999) state that the cultural differences have a strong impact on the organisation. In fact, a MA may provoke numerous changes in the organisation structure. When there are hierarchical and organisational changes, the shareholders may have some difficulties to agree with the opinion or the status of the new colleagues. It may cause tensions and frictions between them. The human resources services and the management team field have an essential role to play in this kind of strategic alliances. (Source bad example to extend and to change) Culture has also a strong impact on the productivity. The cultural aspects may affect numerous other business aspects which influence indirectly on the performance of the MA in particular making benefits (Stahl and Voigt, 2005). For them, To increase effectiveness across cultures, training must be the focus of the job, while education thought of with reference to the individual, and development reserved for organizational concerns.(To change?) Culture differences badly assimilated product poor results and performance. However, the relationships between the MA performance and the cultural differences are not as easy as it could seem. (To Change and extend) King et al (2004) state that despite decades of research, what impacts the financial performance of firms engaging in MA activity remains largely unexplained. (To change?) The negotiation is also an aspect affected by the cultural differences. For instance, bad master of the culture or the local customs can lead to misunderstandings and confusions (Schein, 1993). It involves the meetings, the contacts and all the components of the negotiation between two interlocutors culturally different. Each culture has its own way to negotiate even though certain are similar. For instance, the Indians employees of Tata are used to negotiate because it is something daily and at every moment of the day in India. They rarely say no by politeness and sometimes their answer may seem unclear, that is why, a foreign negotiator should be able to decode the non-verbal language to know what they really think (such as cross legs or arms). (relation with Tata? + bad example) Another aspect that can be a problem is communication. Javidan and House (2002) state that during a MA, cultural differences may have negatives impacts on communication. For instance, Tata took this aspect into account for the acquisition of Jaguar and Land Rover. The Indian group had to retain a good communication with the employees of Jaguar and Land Rover. According to Schein (1993), in a business, the dialogue is primordial. In fact, it enables to transmit the information in order to be accurate and effective. It affects numerous fields such as: the management of people, negotiation, meetings, contracts, socialising, presentations, and advertising. During a MA, the communication is a determining factor: of success or failure (Trompenaars and Asser 2010, p.10). According to Stahl and Voigt (2008), in MA, the culture strongly impact the ways of getting the work done such as the levels of formality, tolerance of risk and methods of decision making (Communicaid 2008). In fact, each culture has his own way to do the job. Tata has to consider this fact, in particular for MA with other cultures like European (Tetley group (UK)) or American (Eight O Clock Coffee Company). Cultural differences may be barriers to the performance when they negatively impact the relationships between people and especially between the employees (to extend) of a MA. In particular, the way of dealing with conflict (To change). Often, people have a fixed idea of a particular type of person or thing, it is called a stereotype. Culture is like an iceberg. At the top, the elements we can see physically such as the behaviour, the clothing and the food. Whereas underneath, there is all the things we cannot see at the first sight such as meanings, beliefs, attitudes and values. Many human beings are influenced by their cultural roots which are very often transmitted by the family. (Too change, Sian Taylors lesson). Cross-cultural difference can have negative impacts on the human relationships (Javidan and House, 2002). According to Kleppestà ¸ (1998), we may see sometimes, the creation of in-group and out-group. (too extend). A bad entente between employees has for main consequenc e the fall of productivity. Indeed, the difference of culture does not simplify the relationships, especially when shareholders have to make important and essential choice. The cultural differences divide more than they gather, which might be problematic when shareholders have to take a single and common strategic decision. In fact, the human behaviour is an essential feature to take into account. Tata has also to take into account the time. Indeed, it is influenced by the cultural origins and determinant in the success of a MA. It can have important influences on the planning and on the way of how people manage their time. For Harris and Moran (2000), the definitions of time vary according to the culture, some are exact and others are relative. According to Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner (1997), primitive societies just consider the matter of the before and the after whereas the educated societies judge the matter of time differently. For them, the time is an infinite succession of event. (To change) For instance, Tata purchased Jaguar and Land Rover which are British companies. Both cultures have a different on the notion of time. Tata is an Indian group and culturally their relation with the time is more relax and less in a rush than the European philosophy. For example, the Indian group would not hesitate to spend a long time to meet their employees whereas the British wou ld do it as quick as possible. All the more than Tata has always considered importantly the social aspect with its employees. Moreover, one of main cultural difference is the attitude of people with the environment. Some cultures have more importance for their own human-being life rather than other cultures attach more importance to the world in general than to the individuals.(To change) (Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner, 1997). Harris and Moran (2000) say that persons culturally different live and organize their environments in their own specific way. However, Tata has to know that a team composed of different cultures may have numerous potential benefits. Indeed, culture is also an opportunity and a source for the Indian group of competitive advantage. (Sian Taylor, Too change) Cultural differences may also have positives impacts on multicultural teams only if they respect certain conditions. In fact, diversity can lead to higher performance only when members of the group understand each other, and can combine and build on each other thoughts and ideas (Chell, 2001). (To change, Sian Taylors course). Cultural differences in the same organisation can also a great opportunity. (too extend)(source) Define culture is necessary to well understand what are the cultural diversities and which impacts they have on performance. For Hofstede (1980), culture is the interactive aggregate of common characteristics that influence a groups response to its environment. Cultural differences change the way people solve problems. In fact, Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner (1997) say that we can differentiate every culture individually by the way they solve problems. The cultures distinguish from each other by the specific solutions they use when there is an issue. For instance, two groups of students have an essay to hand in for a due date. The first group is French and the other one is American. Both groups are late but they react differently because they are culturally different: the American group will reach the deadline and scarify the quality whereas the French group will go over the deadline and try to improvise. According to Chell (2001), the synergy in a multicultural team can improve significantly the performance and increase benefits. A multicultural team in which members live well together will be more productive and effective. Indeed, the cultural differences can create potential competitive advantages such as a better productivity, innovation, learning or ambience. It may also increase the productivity. Indeed, in a same situation, employees culturally different can have different way of thinking and therefore bring several solutions and improve the performance (Adler and Gundersen, 2008, p.134). In fact, multicultural team means wider range of opinions, ideas and consequently encourage the innovation. According to Adler and Gundersen (2008), this creativity enables to find better solutions to problems, take better decisions. Moreover, Chell (2001) think intercultural team is strength for a team. In fact, different nationalities enable to master different languages and consequently a bigger flexibility geographically and linguistically. Moreover, being cultural different may also enable to learn new things such as another way of managements or another ways of getting the work done. A multicultural team were the members understand each other enable to have a better ambience in the firm. The role of the manager has a strong impact on the ambience which is an essential feature to reach the synergy (Adler and Gundersen, 2008). If Tata wants to succeed in a MA with cultural differences, they should consider how to organize and manage an intercultural team. Managing and working with multicultural teams requires an understanding of cultural diversity to create an effective team. A multicultural team needs some features essential to be successful for example: the motivation to communicate, a good relationship between each members and a reciprocal respect. (To change Sian Taylors courses) Additionally, Tata must be aware of the role of the manager: it has changed due to the new cultural diversity in a same team (Harris and Moran, 2000). Nowadays, he must be skilful, master several languages and know the cultural features of his employees and the shareholders. The role of the manager is also to avoid the cultures shock and cultures clashes between the employees. According to Ruben (1983), the multinational manager should have seven skills to gather the employees strengths and bring them to the performance: tolerant, respectful, have good interpersonal skills, not to be prejudiced against people, feel empathy, observant and persevering. For Trompenaars and Asser (2010), the managers have a tendency to focus on the results of deal rather than the way the people reach together these objectives. The human dimension and the cultural differences are unfortunately used to be underestimated in a merger or acquisition. They are in particular ignored by the managers who prefer f ocus on results and performance rather than the way the job is done. Moreover, the notion of feedback (between manager and employees) is essential to fix the differing and underline the good things. Indeed, their first objective of the manager is to reach the synergy: to gather all the shareholders and bring them to an only and same goal with this kind of tools. Furthermore, the cultural differences strongly affect the way of managing people. Indeed, MA often involve the mix of firms and consequently, the mix of employees who are sometimes culturally different. Especially because culture is not something we cannot figure out at the first sight; it is something inside us. Trompenaards and Hampden-Turner states, it is not on surface but deep in every person. (Too change p.3). According to Tylor (1924), culture is not something simple or limited to one dimension in one field, it is the entire contrary. Indeed, he states that the culture is composed by numerous components such as: habits, language, religion, belief and morals. To create an effective team, the team have to understand the culture of each member and learn cross cultural knowledge (Harris and Moran, 2000). The creation of a multicultural effective team takes time because the manager must make aware each members of his own culture (Chell, 2001). One of the essential points is to resp ect the others cultures and the fact to be different because the culture takes an important place in peoples lives. Understand another culture also means be respectful about these differences. In fact, Chell (2001) say that the members have to have in mind that there is no dominant culture and everybody is equal whatever his origin. Indeed, according to them; we have to master early our culture before learning to know all the features of another one. Schein (1993) said We have to learn to listen to ourselves before we can really understand others. It is called the polycentrism: attempt to overcome your own cultural assumptions and to develop openness towards other cultures (To change course Sian Taylor). At the contrary the worst behaviour to adapt is to be ethnocentric: to look the word only through my own culture. (To change) Moreover in multicultural team, some cultures are more likely to fit with one than another. In a globalized world, the cross-cultural relationship has change d the way of managing a team. To conclude, Tata must be conscious that intercultural issues not well mastered may lead to poor productivity and performance. The cultural differences can affect negatively the business aspects and the performance. However, an effective multicultural team can have a positive impact on the performance. Indeed, if the cross-cultural differences are considerate and if the members collaborate, the cultural differences may become a great opportunity for the Indian group. Moreover, the future of a MA depends on the ability of a multicultural team to gather their strengths in the same project even if they are culturally different. That is why the role of the manager is crucial. Indeed, bring a multicultural team to the synergy is the main aim and role of the management team. Tata has to focus on the fact that diversity can lead to higher performance only when members of the group understand each other and work together.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Changing Personality of Kurtz in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness

Heart of Darkness   - The Changing   Personality of Kurtz      Ã‚   Kurtz's character is fully facet (in Conrad's Heart of Darkness), not because of his conventional roll of antagonist, but for his roll in a historical fiction as a character with important roll in society, influenced by those close to him. Kurtz makes some key developments in the way he interacts with others, in large part due to the words and actions of society and Kurtz's acquaintances.    Heart of Darkness is a novel based on European imperialism in the late nineteenth-early twentieth century. During the turn of the century in 1900, the more significant countries in Europe (i.e. England, France, Germany, et al.) had gotten to a point where expansion within Europe was no longer foreseeable, so for financial, political, and egotistical reasons, these countries looked south to their neighbor Africa, the "black continent." "God-forsaken wilderness." Marlow says of Africa. (Page 73) Trade routes were established and the home countries found reliable executive willing to travel and develop relations in the country. In Conrad's novel, Kurtz was this man. He started out with a noble goal, i.e. to modernize Africa, but suffered the effects of a deadly disease, greed. "It was reckless without hardihood, greedy without audacity, and cruel without courage." Said Marlow (of what Kurtz and the ivory company had done to Africa.) (Page 102.)    Kurtz's characteristics are best seen through his work as an Ivory trader in the territory known as Congo. He got this position after being dubbed as a genius, partly because he worked as an orator, poet, writer, musician, politician, and artist in addition to the ivory business. Many would take this ... ...ributed to Kurtz loosing track of his life emotionally, and later physically. Kurtz loved her, and his heart went cold as she was separated from his life. This can be seen in the story at the conclusion in a dialogue between the intended and Marlow, where she asks Marlow what Kurtz's final words were. Marlow lies, not because of his friendship with Kurtz, but because he recognizes the importance of him to her (and visa versa.)    The change of Kurtz's personality is not solely because he is the antagonist, but because he is so self-conscious of his appearance that he allows society to overwhelm his character.    Work Cited Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. Ed. Robert Kimbrough. 17th ed. New York: Norton, 1988.    Notes 1. Conrad, Joseph. Heart of darkness. Page 73 2. Ibid. Page 102 3. Ibid. 107 4. Ibid.138    The Changing Personality of Kurtz in Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness Heart of Darkness   - The Changing   Personality of Kurtz      Ã‚   Kurtz's character is fully facet (in Conrad's Heart of Darkness), not because of his conventional roll of antagonist, but for his roll in a historical fiction as a character with important roll in society, influenced by those close to him. Kurtz makes some key developments in the way he interacts with others, in large part due to the words and actions of society and Kurtz's acquaintances.    Heart of Darkness is a novel based on European imperialism in the late nineteenth-early twentieth century. During the turn of the century in 1900, the more significant countries in Europe (i.e. England, France, Germany, et al.) had gotten to a point where expansion within Europe was no longer foreseeable, so for financial, political, and egotistical reasons, these countries looked south to their neighbor Africa, the "black continent." "God-forsaken wilderness." Marlow says of Africa. (Page 73) Trade routes were established and the home countries found reliable executive willing to travel and develop relations in the country. In Conrad's novel, Kurtz was this man. He started out with a noble goal, i.e. to modernize Africa, but suffered the effects of a deadly disease, greed. "It was reckless without hardihood, greedy without audacity, and cruel without courage." Said Marlow (of what Kurtz and the ivory company had done to Africa.) (Page 102.)    Kurtz's characteristics are best seen through his work as an Ivory trader in the territory known as Congo. He got this position after being dubbed as a genius, partly because he worked as an orator, poet, writer, musician, politician, and artist in addition to the ivory business. Many would take this ... ...ributed to Kurtz loosing track of his life emotionally, and later physically. Kurtz loved her, and his heart went cold as she was separated from his life. This can be seen in the story at the conclusion in a dialogue between the intended and Marlow, where she asks Marlow what Kurtz's final words were. Marlow lies, not because of his friendship with Kurtz, but because he recognizes the importance of him to her (and visa versa.)    The change of Kurtz's personality is not solely because he is the antagonist, but because he is so self-conscious of his appearance that he allows society to overwhelm his character.    Work Cited Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. Ed. Robert Kimbrough. 17th ed. New York: Norton, 1988.    Notes 1. Conrad, Joseph. Heart of darkness. Page 73 2. Ibid. Page 102 3. Ibid. 107 4. Ibid.138   

Monday, August 19, 2019

Global Warming Essay -- Environment Climate Change

Global Warming and The Environment Global warming is a term used to describe a gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and its oceans (All About Global Warming, 2007, para.1). There is no doubt this is an important matter that will impact planet earth for many years to come. Global warming is a critical issue that impacts the entire world and the potential consequences caused by it will have a negative impact if human contribution is not reduced. Although many people disagree with the causes and outcomes, there is certainly enough information available to support the argument. At this time, global warming is said to be a crisis with carbon and emissions of Co2 being made out to be the culprit (Turpin, 2007, p.30). These are just two of the multiple human contributions that add to the cause. The relationship between human effect and the significant impact on the environment are in relation with the respect to global warming. It is not necessarily the human need or desire to drive gas guzzling vehicles, littering the earth, or to cut down precious trees to destroy the environment, but the need of those on earth to be wasteful and destructive. Another factor to consider in the contribution is that livestock are also responsible for 18% of green house gas (methane and nitrous oxide) world wide ? more then all the planes, trains and automobiles on the planet (Turpin, 2007, p30). In addition to the natural causes of global warming, humans also play a significant part in the contribution. Although little can be done to reverse the damage that is already apparent, there are many habits that can be changed by those living on this earth to slow down the process, outside of the natural causes. Some o... ...007). All About Global Warming. Retrieved April 11, 2008, from NASA Top Story. (2003). Recent Warming of Arctic May Affect Worldwide Climate. Retrieved April 12, 2008, from New York Times.(2008). Global Warming. Retrieved April 12, 2008, from Species Extinctions. (2007). Species Extinctions still rising, experts warn. Retrieved April 11, 2008, from Turpin, J. (2007). Is Carbon the Culprit? Air conditioning Heating & Refridgeration. Retrieved April 11,2008, from

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Robert Graves’ I, Claudius - Capturing a Strange Moment in History Essa

Robert Graves’ I, Claudius - Capturing a Strange Moment in History Tiberius' reign over the Roman Empire stretched the longest of any emperor during Claudius' lifetime. This may be a good reason why Robert Graves, in his historical novel published in 1934, â€Å"I, Claudius† devoted more than a third of it to the reign of Tiberius. â€Å"I, Claudius†, told through the eyes of the "half-wit" Claudius, records the history of the first Imperial family at Rome, including the reigns of Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, and even Claudius himself. Livia, Augustus' wife and Tiberius' mother, played a crucial role throughout the reign of Augustus and Tiberius by eliminating all possible heirs other than her son to the throne of the emperor. By the use of poison and banishment, she was very successful in her aspirations and even manages to arrange for Caligula to succeed Tiberius, although she died several years before Tiberius. Tiberius also played a key role during this story, undergoing a change from a private army general to a mentall y-sick Roman emperor. Early in Tiberius' life, he had already become unpopular in Roman society. However, although he was sometimes accused of being over-cautious, he led the Roman army to several victories over the Germans, and became a national figure. But, as it was common with the Claudian family, Tiberius turned out to be one of the bad Claudians. Although being a celebrated general worked wonders for his political career, Claudius states that, on a personal basis, he was "morose, reserved and cruel." An excellent general, he won the respect of his soldiers by living as they did on a campaign. He seldom slept in a tent, and he ate and drank often no better than the rest of his troops. ... ...lthough the author's point-of-view, synonymous with Claudius, often makes the reader forget that it is not Claudius himself writing this, but Robert Graves almost 2000 years later. His writing is exquisite, and although some sections of the novel become static, his elegance and grace with his wording carries the reader through these sections without difficulty. Although it is fiction, to anyone who wants to get "up close" to the family of Augustus, I would recommend this novel. Why? The story of the Augustan age is, in the words of Tacitus, "a story that was the subject of every variety of misrepresentation, not only by those who then lived but likewise in succeeding times: so true is it that all transactions of preeminent importance are wrapt in doubt and obscurity" (iix). Works Cited Graves, Robert. â€Å"I, Claudius†. New York: The Modern Library, 1934.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Proving King Lear Is a Tragedy Essay

A drama or literary work in which the main character is brought to ruin or suffers extreme sorrow, especially as a consequence of a tragic flaw, moral weakness, or inability to cope with unfavorable circumstances. A flaw in the character of the protagonist of a tragedy that brings the protagonist to ruin or sorrow. a great or virtuous character in a dramatic tragedy who is destined for downfall, suffering, or defeat: King Lear is a perfect example of a tragedy. In a typical tragedy, the main character, or tragic hero, is brought to suffer some extreme sorrow, because of a tragic flaw he possesses. King Lear, the tragic hero, carries the tragic flaw of vanity, which causes his downfall. His demise begins with him believing his two insincere older daughters, Goneril and Regan, tell him that they love him more than anything, and casts out his youngest daughter, Cordelia, who truthfully tells him, â€Å"I love your majesty according to my bond; nor more nor less† (Shakespeare 4). Lear is too arrogant to see that Cordelia is the daughter that truly loves him and throws out anyone close enough to tell him his mistake. As the plot progresses, Lear realizes Goneril and Regan have betrayed him and Cordelia did truly love him, but still refuses to return to Cordelia begging for forgiveness. At this point, Lear is mad, but Cordelia wants to nurse him back to health. Cordelia dies and later Lear dies of grief all because of his vanity.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Landslide Limousine Performance management plan Essay

Stonefield is starting up a new limousine business with 25 employee, located in Austin, Texas. The performance management plan is the starting point or a map for the company to identify and achieve the desire outcome they want for their employees and their customer. The company wants to maximize its goal through its performance management plan. the performance framework alone with the strategies of the business will developed an organizational performance philosophy, performed job analyses to identify necessary skills needed by employees, identified methods for measuring employee’s skills, developed a process for addressing skill gaps, and developed an approach for delivering effective performance feedback to employees. Performance management plan should always be use as a tool for a business to run smooth. The performance management framework with the strategies of the business According to Cascio (2013), at a general level, the broad process of performance management require s that you do three things well: define performance, facilitate performance, and encourage performance. The managers at Landslide must ensure that each and every employee know what is expected of them. They must have goals that are sustainable. The goals that are set must â€Å"make the company successful† (Cascio 2013). Managers must facilitate performance by eliminating roadblocks. They must provide all the right resources, tools and training. With that being said they must also hire the right employees in other words hire the right fit. You can’t have an employee with a bad driving record driving for a limo service, so you have do a background check just one example. Every employee like the last one, encourage performance, managers should always encourage employees in some kind of way, show them how they are appreciated. According to Cascio (2013), don’t bother offering rewards that nobody cares about, like a gift certificate to see a fortune teller. If  you are good to your employees they will be good to you. Show them you care. Organizational performance philosophy The philosophy of Landslide Limousine will be to utilize the max efficiency and the effectiveness of each employee’s performance; and furthermore to facilitate communication between the employees and their supervisors, according to University of California, Berkeley (2014), employees at all levels are responsible for actively communicating with their supervisors about their performance, taking an active role in planning their development, being accountable for their actions, and continually striving for excellence in their performance. Supervisors are responsible for training and making sure that the employees have the right tools to carry out the mission or job. They have to make sure the job is done right. They have to make sure the customer are taking care of. The job analysis process to identify necessary skills needed by employees According to Cascio (2013), Performance standards translate job requirements into levels of acceptable or unacceptable employee behavior. Job analysis identifies what is to be done. Job analysis information can be gathered in a variety of ways, Landslide Limousine will be using all combinations of method. The observation is one method which is limited to only so many jobs. The interview method is gathering information which requires an interview with every employee. This should be easy to do since he is starting off with only 25 employees. The interview method should focus on how the employees is performing each job. The major duties of the position. Are there is job’s physical demands. This method can be time very consuming but it will help Landslide Limousine identify necessary skills needed by employees. The last method is the Questionnaires. This method is widely used it tells management where training is needed, what is going right, what is wrong and what need improving. It can be a very detail long and complicated process. Methods used for measuring the employee’s skills I would recommend Landslide use the Behavior-oriented rating methods and results-oriented rating method for measuring the employee’s skills. Managers should conduct ride-a-long with each driver to observe their behavior and to rate their skills against others. The manager should document the  observation. Mangers should always provide feedback in a timely manner. It should be taken to improve employee performance. According to Cascio (2013), behavior-oriented rating methods focus on employee behaviors, either by comparing the performance of employees to that of other employees or by evaluating each employee in terms of performance standards without reference to others. The results-oriented rating method is another great method to use. The company needs to have a way to do customer survey. Customer service is one of the most important skills that should be measured constantly. According to Cascio (2013), results-oriented rating methods place primary emphasis on what an employee produces; dollar volume of sales, number of units produced, and number of wins during a baseball season are examples. In other word a limo driver will be rated on how well his/her skills are with customer service. They are being rating and measured at all times. Process for addressing skill gaps When addressing skill gaps it should be communicated on a daily basic but in a more formal way during the Performance evaluation. It should identify the areas that need improvement, a performance improvement plan (PIP) can be put in place. This is the opportunity for an employee that do not have all the skill to succeed to receive the appropriate training that he/she did or didn’t have. When addressing area for improvement communication is the key between managers and employees. Approach for delivering effective performance feedback According to Cascio (2013), before giving feedback, getting training in performance appraisal interviewing, planning to use a problem-solving approach rather than â€Å"tell -and-sell,† and encouraging subordinates to prepare for performance-feedback interviews, is important. Also, while giving feedback, each manager should be encouraging subordinates to participate by being specific, being an active listener, setting mutually agreeable goals for future improvements, avoiding destructive criticism, and judging performance and not personality and mannerisms. Lastly, after the feedback is communicated, each manager should periodically assess progress toward goals and make organizational rewards contingent on performance. If Landslide Limousine needs to make sure they that provide these before,  during, and after feedback activities, these activities can help better the performance of each and every person that Landslide employ. Conclusion Having a good Performance plan before starting business is always a great beginning. You need a stepping stone to hire the right employee and to put the right people in the place. Providing them with the right tools make for a successfully business and satisfied customer. References Cascio, W. F. (2013). Managing Human Resources (9th Ed.). New York, NY: The McGraw- Hill Companies, Inc. University of Berkley. (2014). Berkley HR. Retrieved from What is Human Resource? (2015). Retrieved from

Alice McGaw: “Mother of Anesthesia”

Nurses were the first professional group to practice anesthesia services in the United States. This started 125 years ago and little was known about anesthesia back then. One of the most famous nurse anesthetists was Alice McGraw. She was to be given the name â€Å"Mother of Anesthesia† for her expert application of anesthesia during surgery and her many published works regarding the procedure. Nurse anesthetists were pioneers in their field. Surgeons began seeking them out to help with anesthesia during surgery because they could provide undivided attention to the patient.The earliest records establish the beginning of nurse anesthetists in 1887. Since then, they have been instrumental in continuing improve anesthetic techniques and equipment. Although formal education for nurse anesthetists was not made available until 1909, it is the earlier nurse anesthetists who paved the way for safe anesthesia and opened door to this specialty for nurses. Patients reported less discomfo rt and the surgeons reported fewer deaths due to trauma during operations.Currently Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA) are licensed professional nurses who go through extensive training after receiving their Registered Nurse (RN) degree. This is considered a specialized field and requires nurses to become board certified through a state exam before being able to practice as a CRNA. The purpose of this study was to inform and educate about the women in nursing who lead the way in development and application of anesthesia. Alice McGaw is little known to mainstream society and yet she provided some of the most comprehensive studies to this profession.She also spent her life as a practicing nurse anesthetist and earned the title â€Å"Mother of Anesthesia† Alice McGaw is known as the â€Å"Mother of Anesthesia†, a title given her by Dr. Charles Mayo. She was born in 1860 and little else can be found regarding her upbringing or schooling prior to 1893. It was in this year that she became the nurse anesthetist to Drs William J. and Charles H. Mayo of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Nursing anesthesia was the first clinical nursing specialty and in the beginning consisted of predominately women.Factors attributing to this were low wages, most nurses were female and it was considered to be a deferential position with the surgeon in charge of it all. Before the inclusion of nurse anesthetists in surgical procedures, most anesthesias had been administered by medical students or physicians with little or no anesthesia training. During the Civil War (1861-1865) anesthesia was used on the wounded but very little because it was considered too dangerous. It was not until 1878 that the first â€Å"official† nurse anesthetist came into being.The first school of nursing anesthesia was not formed until 1909. Surgeons began seeking nurse anesthetists to try to decrease the mortality numbers and because nurses could focus their entire atte ntion on the patient rather than on the operation. Anesthesia evolved differently in Europe and the United States. Chloroform was the preferred choice in Europe and ether the preference in the United States. One of Alice McGaw’s major accomplishments was her expertise in the open drop inhalation method of anesthesia using a combination of ether and chloroform.It was this expertise that earned her the title â€Å"Mother of Anesthesia†. She perfected this method while working for Dr. Charles Mayo and it was he who gave her this moniker. McGaw was also very concerned with the patient’s mental state prior to surgery. She believed that the patient should be prepared with soothing words before being anesthetized. She refined a technique that prepared the patient mentally so as to increase the effectiveness of the anesthesia It was this technique that lead to a decrease in mid-operative anesthesia being required.It was in 1899 that Alice McGaw published the first paper ever written by a nurse anesthetist based on her work in nursing anesthesia. The paper was titled â€Å"Observations in Anesthesia† and was published in the Northwestern Lancet. Alice McGaw went on to publish five papers total on the subject of nurse anesthesia. The paper in 1906 published in Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics was titled â€Å"A Review of 14,000 Surgical Anesthetics†. It noted that in the 14,000 surgical procedures for which she had been the anesthetist, there had been no complications or deaths attributed to problems with the anesthetic or its application.This was a milestone in the field of nursing anesthesia. . During the time that McGaw was the nurse anesthetist for Drs. William J. and Charles H. Mayo, she and Dr. Charles Mayo set up a showcase for surgery and anesthesia. This showcase attracted students from all over the world. This was not formal training but encouraged many students to implement McGaw’s technique with anesthesia. St. Mar y’s Hospital, where McGaw was the nurse anesthetist for the Mayo brothers later became the world famous Mayo Clinic. McGaw worked for Drs. William J. and Charles H.Mayo from 1893-1908. Between 1912 and 1920, almost 20 post graduate schools for nurse anesthesia opened. The Mayo Clinic was among one of those offering the program. It was McGraw’s early work that helped to achieve the success of the nurse anesthetist and its subsequent training programs. She and other like her pioneered the field of nurse anesthesia. Previously physicians were 95 percent male and nursing was not a specialized field. This changed with the addition of the nurse anesthetist. Nurse Anesthetists today are Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA).These are licensed professional nurses (RNs) who want o specialize in anesthesia. They are required to take extensive training and must be board certified by exam before being able to provide services to patients and surgeons. In 1931 the National Association of Nurse Anesthetists (NANA) was formed. It would later become the American Association of Nursing Anesthetists (AANA). It was the first national organization for practicing anesthetists and still exists today. In 1986, the Clinical Anesthesia Practitioner Award was established by the AANA.This award was to recognize the accomplishments of Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists who have made important contributions to the advancement of nurse anesthesia. In 1998 this award became the Alice McGaw Outstanding Clinical Practitioner Award to honor McGaws achievements as a nurse anesthetist and for her publications on her work. Without Alice McGaw, nursing anesthesia would not have moved ahead as quickly. Her dedication to perfecting her craft and the publications that she allowed others to learn from were instrumental in the field of nursing anesthesia.Her training and showcasing taught others the importance of anesthesia and its application. Certified Registered Nurse Ane sthetists of today can practice their skills with confidence because of the importance Alice McGaw placed on knowing and perfecting the specialty of anesthesia. She was one of the most important forerunners in her field and her legacy continues to evolve with advancements and achievements based on her work. References 1. American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (2006) History of Nurse Anesthesia Practice Retrieved November 30, 2006 from http://www. aana. com/aboutaana. aspx? ucNavMenu_TSMenuTargetID=173&ucNavMenu_2. American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (2006) A Brief Timeline of Nurse Anesthesia Retrieved November 30, 2006 from http://www. aana. com/archives/timeline. asp 3. Bankert, M. Watchful Care: A History of America’s Nurse Anesthetists. New York: Continuum 1989 4. Evans, T. CRNA, MS What is a CRNA? (1998) http://www. anesthesia-nursing. org/wina. html 5. Michigan Association of Nurse Anesthetists (2006) History of Nurse Anesthesia Practice Retrieved November 30 , 2006 from http://www. miana. org/history/history. html 6. Thatcher, V. History of Anesthesia with Emphasis on the Nurse Specialist Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1953